The Strucure of Credition

Der 3. Grundlagenforschungskongress The Structure of Credition “Formation, Causation, and Ideation” richtete seinen wissenschaftlichen Fokus darauf, welche Auswirkungen Glaubensprozesse haben.

Starke Eltern – Starke Kinder

Internationaler Kongress, Sozial- und Heilpädagogisches Förderinstitut Steiermark und TAGESMÜTTER STEIERMARK

How attention creates synaptic tags for the guidance of plasticity and learning

Das Institute for Theoretical Computer Sciences lud zum Vortrag von Prof. Pieter Roelfsema (Nederlands Herseninstituut, Institute for Neuroscience).


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INGE St. Research Award

Once a year, INGE St. grants INGE St. Research Awards for scientific publications in the field of brain research.Read more...

INGE St. Scholarship

INGE St. awards annual scholarships of €700 for activities in Austria and €1000 for activities abroad.Read more...